Tuesday, November 27, 2012

From Author and Private Investigator

Martin Yant who works with the Innocence Project.

False Allegations of Child Abuse
Our instincts are to protect and defend defenseless children.  It is a measure of a civilized society.   It is equally instinctive to presume guilt.  That tendency is even stronger when the accused must prove a negative---that what he or she is accused of didn't happen---and the accuser is a physician with a stack of degrees or, equally potent, a child.  These combinations have led to countless criminal convictions:  parents, day care providers, teachers, neighbors---even when the charges cannot be supported by objective scientific evidence, or when there was no physical evidence at all to support the claims. 

We're having second looks at many of these cases, acknowledging that we've convicted innocent people, destroyed families and ruined childhoods.  A second look at the processes that led to these miscarriages of justice is essential, because unless we learn from our mistakes, we will continue to repeat them.

While our judicial system was put into place to protect, the results are ruined lives of not only the accused but the accuser. A then 17-year-old who accused her father of raping her now wants to move on with her life. The problem is family don't believe the father did it and they have watched this young woman grow up lying and manipulating to get what she wants. She is upset the the family has not rallied around her. Who do you believe? No one may ever know what happened that night but many lives have been destroyed, including the accuser by our judicial system put into place to protect our children. Families have been destroyed by detectives who asked zero questions. A prosecutor who didn't take the time to make sure the detectives did their job. A judge who doesn't want to go to trial, taking up his time. And a defense attorney who know the game - our system is about taking pleas. So the falsely accused are forced to take a plea which is admission of quilt so even if the victim recants, they are not innocent because they plead guilty. Think this can never happen to you, think again.

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