Wednesday, November 7, 2012

An excellent web site, Once Fallen ( is a great source for Sex Offender Registry information. As they state in their mission statement: The purpose of this site is to educate the public on the truth of sex offender laws and to offer support and guidance to those accused or convicted of sex crimes.

I have found their site to be in line with what I have found in my research on the SOR. Their article on 100,000 Missing Offenders Myth ( is right on target. The 100,000 missing registrants that is the basis for the argument that $331 million is needed to find them, is dispelled. 

Their conclusion is, "In short, there is no set definition of “non-compliance.” Statistics for non-compliance can include having prohibited items, retroactivity clauses, not being able to pay fees, information snafus, arrests for non-related offenses, or even being dead according to various reports."

As for my friend; fees were lost on a regular basis of which, they could have sent him to prison if he couldn't show proof he made them. He spent a month on probation with no one in the probation department being able to tell him who his probation officer was. He just kept showing up so they couldn't say he wasn't in compliace and send him to jail. I whole-heartidly agree with Once Fallen's statement, "The fallacy, however, might be that the problem of ‘missing’ sex offenders was more a reflection of failures in the operation and administration of the registries than of noncompliance by individual RSOs. In other words, challenges related to record keeping, personnel demands, and data management during the formative years of sex offender registration laws were likely conflated with the issue of offender noncompliance.”

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