Friday, December 14, 2012
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
From the site, I Was Falsely Accused, this man was given advice that is the first I have found in my research. The reality here is that this is good advise for those who have money. For those who don't you are at the whim of the system. I feel for those who fall into that black hole for there is no getting out. Everyone says don't take a plea, but then what, stand in front of a jury that doesn't want to be there? Who you are told by your attorney that they will believe the victim not you. Then you risk 15 to 30 years in prison for only an accusation, with zero evidence. And this we call a free country.
My Dad is an extremely smart, successful and intelligent man. He has many contacts through his work. One of them happens to be friends with a nationally renowned legal expert. When my father told his friend what was happening, he put him in touch with this expert immediately. The information he gave to my father was literally invaluable. Here is a synopsis of his advice:
My Dad is an extremely smart, successful and intelligent man. He has many contacts through his work. One of them happens to be friends with a nationally renowned legal expert. When my father told his friend what was happening, he put him in touch with this expert immediately. The information he gave to my father was literally invaluable. Here is a synopsis of his advice:
- A local lawyer is not what you needed for this kind of charge. He said this charge is literally a life or death situation, and the best chance is with a nationally known expert in this kind of case.
- He said to personally meet with, and interview several of the top attorneys, and choose who you feel most comfortable with. He provided a list of four experts in the immediate area, as well as one national expert on these cases.
- In the meeting with the attorneys, he advised the following questions were critically important to consider:
- Is the attorney a member f the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL)?
- What is their track record in cases like this?
- Who will be the actual attorney leading the case?
- Who will prepare the case for trial and argue in court?
- How many others will work on the case, who are they, and what is their expertise?
- How will you help with non-legal matters like preventing damaging publicity? He said this can be one of the most important points because history proves that people change what they know and believe when they read and hear things in the news, and are even less likely to continue to be supportive if the case becomes controversial. He said that often once strong supporters will change their minds once a story appears in the media, and even once the truth comes out they never return as friends.
- Finally – he advised that Mr. Murphy’s plan to seek a bail reduction hearing was completely inappropriate given the nature of the charges. He said that a bail reduction hearing would bring the case publicly into a court room, and in front of the media…and the goal of any attorney right now should be to keep the publicity around the case to a minimum until they can do their own investigation. This advice alone convinced me that Mr. Murphy was the not the lawyer for me.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
If you want to see a moving website please go to the following site. It just breaks my heart to read about so many who have been destroyed by our judicial system. Something has to be done. It is my mission to make real changes to end this atrocity.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
My focus has been on the men falsely accused of sexual assault. It is true that in the 60's and 70's there was a push to make it okay for women to report rapes due to the stigma that went along with being raped. The problem now is the pendulum has swung so far to the other side that the norm is to use sexual assault accusations for a means to destroy men.
I found a video on U-tube video of a man who was accused of sexual assault but he as it says, "Luckily video taped the encounter." The tape cleared him of the charges. Following the video was pages of responses.
The following post is a sad statement to where we have come in this country.
I found a video on U-tube video of a man who was accused of sexual assault but he as it says, "Luckily video taped the encounter." The tape cleared him of the charges. Following the video was pages of responses.
The following post is a sad statement to where we have come in this country.
I never believe rape reports when i hear them now. I have made a point over the last year of following reported rapes on the news, which never come back and confirm whether the woman was telling the truth. Over the past several months i have been looking up rape reports i heard earlier in the year and it turns out ALL of them were false. Rape is just so highly politicised now its unbelievable.
How do we fix this?
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
A registered sex offenders sister keeps inviting him to attend her daughters plays or competitions at her school and church. The sister has to be reminded that the sex offender can't set foot in a school or church less risk violating his probation and being sent to prison. The sister doesn't understand why he can't attend church because she believes he couldn't have committed the sexual assault he was accused of. Taking a plea to avoid prison for a sexual assault will ultimately destroy your life as you continue to be crucified being on the Sex Offender Registry.
The fear of these imaginary sex offenders being instilled by politicians is destroying lives all in the name of being re-elected—it is an injustice, and changes need to be made.
Politicians aren’t alone in fueling the fear flame. One report on Some Worry Sex Offender Targeting Kids, posted Sept. 13, 2010. He’s a three time convicted sex offender who served his time, but appears to be back to his old ways. The Monroe man is accused of targeting children, and so far police can’t stop him. FOX 2’s Taryn Asher investigates why this man continues to slip through the cracks of the law. The video report shows individuals who report that Parker continues to put himself in a position that he’s alone with male boys. The problem is, he’s no longer on probation. Until there’s a victim he cannot be arrested.
That’s the problem—this is one of the 5% that the authorities should be giving their full attention to.
In the report, the police say a parent’s best defense is the Michigan Sex Offender Registry. Like in the case with Christopher Parker, they can use it to gain knowledge about sexual predators in their areas.
This is a ruse. The complaints about Parker came from three churches and the Monroe Fair Grounds. The SOR had nothing to do with empowering parents of the children Parker targeted. The problem is how to get predators off the streets, not to add all men to the SOR just to be cautious!
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Martin Yant who works with the Innocence Project. |
Our instincts are to protect and defend defenseless children. It is a measure of a civilized society. It is equally instinctive to presume guilt. That tendency is even stronger when the accused must prove a negative---that what he or she is accused of didn't happen---and the accuser is a physician with a stack of degrees or, equally potent, a child. These combinations have led to countless criminal convictions: parents, day care providers, teachers, neighbors---even when the charges cannot be supported by objective scientific evidence, or when there was no physical evidence at all to support the claims. We're having second looks at many of these cases, acknowledging that we've convicted innocent people, destroyed families and ruined childhoods. A second look at the processes that led to these miscarriages of justice is essential, because unless we learn from our mistakes, we will continue to repeat them. |
While our judicial system was put into place to protect, the results are ruined lives of not only the accused but the accuser. A then 17-year-old who accused her father of raping her now wants to move on with her life. The problem is family don't believe the father did it and they have watched this young woman grow up lying and manipulating to get what she wants. She is upset the the family has not rallied around her. Who do you believe? No one may ever know what happened that night but many lives have been destroyed, including the accuser by our judicial system put into place to protect our children. Families have been destroyed by detectives who asked zero questions. A prosecutor who didn't take the time to make sure the detectives did their job. A judge who doesn't want to go to trial, taking up his time. And a defense attorney who know the game - our system is about taking pleas. So the falsely accused are forced to take a plea which is admission of quilt so even if the victim recants, they are not innocent because they plead guilty. Think this can never happen to you, think again.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Another conviction reversal is posted on the Innocence Project fb.
“Bad lawyering” has been one of many consistent contributors to wrongful convictions. In retrospect, the evidence supporting innocence often appears obvious and substantial in many cases. However, if discovered after conviction due to an inadequate investigation or effort by defense counsel, correcting the error is often a laborious, time-consuming, costly endeavor. The California Innocence Project quantified the financial cost of Madrigal’s wrongful incarceration alone to be $405,000.
So many times I have read that false convictions are often due to wrong accounts by witnesses. I had to laugh when driving down the freeway I had to slow due to a fender bender in the median. My friend said it was a silver passenger truck and a car. I said it was a silver full size van and a car. Both of us thought we saw the same thing but obviously the only thing we agreed on was the color and that there were two vehicles involved. I'm glad we weren't testifying at a trial. One of us had to be wrong but I'd bet the prosecutor would pick the witnessed who corroborated the story they wanted.
“Bad lawyering” has been one of many consistent contributors to wrongful convictions. In retrospect, the evidence supporting innocence often appears obvious and substantial in many cases. However, if discovered after conviction due to an inadequate investigation or effort by defense counsel, correcting the error is often a laborious, time-consuming, costly endeavor. The California Innocence Project quantified the financial cost of Madrigal’s wrongful incarceration alone to be $405,000.
So many times I have read that false convictions are often due to wrong accounts by witnesses. I had to laugh when driving down the freeway I had to slow due to a fender bender in the median. My friend said it was a silver passenger truck and a car. I said it was a silver full size van and a car. Both of us thought we saw the same thing but obviously the only thing we agreed on was the color and that there were two vehicles involved. I'm glad we weren't testifying at a trial. One of us had to be wrong but I'd bet the prosecutor would pick the witnessed who corroborated the story they wanted.
Friday, November 16, 2012
So you find out someone is a felon. Before judging, ask. You may find that it isn't as it appears.
This is from the False Justice fb post from today.
DNA was first used in a U.S. criminal case in 1989. It not only became the most reliable form of criminal evidence, but it also delivered a stunning surprise: Innocent people have been wrongfully convicted and imprisoned for years, even decades, in greater numbers than ever imagined.
Why would a book on an Ohio attorney generals rude and troubling awaking to wrongful conviction have relevance in China? The lessons of DNA continue. Among them is that wrongful conviction has no national boundaries. We have yet to fully understand the nuances of wrongful conviction in other countries and criminal justice systems. But there are enough similarities in the contributors, harmful misconceptions, flawed practices, and recommended "best practices" that, remarkably, a book written in Columbus, Ohio, is finding a caring and kindred audience on the other side of the world.!/pages/False-Justice/127688090612221
Now consider all of the convictions where there was no DNA, only an accusation? Those convictions will never be over turned. How many are there?
This is from the False Justice fb post from today.
DNA was first used in a U.S. criminal case in 1989. It not only became the most reliable form of criminal evidence, but it also delivered a stunning surprise: Innocent people have been wrongfully convicted and imprisoned for years, even decades, in greater numbers than ever imagined.
Why would a book on an Ohio attorney generals rude and troubling awaking to wrongful conviction have relevance in China? The lessons of DNA continue. Among them is that wrongful conviction has no national boundaries. We have yet to fully understand the nuances of wrongful conviction in other countries and criminal justice systems. But there are enough similarities in the contributors, harmful misconceptions, flawed practices, and recommended "best practices" that, remarkably, a book written in Columbus, Ohio, is finding a caring and kindred audience on the other side of the world.!/pages/False-Justice/127688090612221
Now consider all of the convictions where there was no DNA, only an accusation? Those convictions will never be over turned. How many are there?
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
This is a post on facebook by a friend of mine.
The key to the happy ending to this mans story is this, "We also conducted a thorough investigation and found the allegation of underage conduct to be unsubstantiated." With so many sexual accusations there is no investigations, only forced pleas then ruined lives. There is no innocent until proven guilty. For the accused, it's prove your innocence in a sexual assault case. And for the ones who do, the accuser faces no consequences for the false accusation.
Elmo Sex Scandal: Man Who Accused Kevin Clash, Voice Of Elmo, Of Underage Sex, Recants Story
Posted: 11/13/2012 5:50 pm EST Updated: 11/13/2012 11:31 pm EST
See the whole story;
See the whole story;
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
A friend of ours stopped by my office today. 'Dan' is an officer on the campus where I work. He also rides a motorcycle. Dan has known me for years and met Dale after we purchased a home just around the corner from him. Dan and Dale hit it off, with their common love for motorcycles. I let Dan make his own opinion of Dale before telling him that Dale is on the SOR. I recently shared that information with Dan and the story behind it. He agreed that Dale isn't the aggressive type. Dan now jokes about it. He mentioned taking a trip through Canada on the bikes then laughed and said, "Oh Dale's P.O. may have a problem with that." Today our conversation drifted to Dale's job. I told Dan that Dale is working for a family business getting paid salary while working 12 to 14 hours a day. It works out to $6 an hour with no benefits. Dan's conclusion is that we need to find Dale a new job. Now, I couldn't agree more but that's a difficult task. Any job where he has to fill out a corporate application will ask if he has been arrested. That will be the end of the journey for that application. Driving a truck has worked out well for Dale so tomorrow he's going to stop by all the local delivery businesses to see if they are hiring. If that doesn't work maybe Dan will have some contacts and at least get Dale in to talk to the employer. This is very difficult for Dale since he has always been the provider, now he struggles to bring money in to contribute to the bills. Which is sad because Dale is honest, funny, hard working, never misses a day of work and the customers love him. So many employers are missing out on the perfect employee. Oh well, their loss.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
An excellent web site, Once Fallen ( is a great source for Sex Offender Registry information. As they state in their mission statement: The purpose of this site is to educate the public on the truth of sex offender laws and to offer support and guidance to those accused or convicted of sex crimes.
I have found their site to be in line with what I have found in my research on the SOR. Their article on 100,000 Missing Offenders Myth ( is right on target. The 100,000 missing registrants that is the basis for the argument that $331 million is needed to find them, is dispelled.
Their conclusion is, "In short, there is no set definition of “non-compliance.” Statistics for non-compliance can include having prohibited items, retroactivity clauses, not being able to pay fees, information snafus, arrests for non-related offenses, or even being dead according to various reports."
As for my friend; fees were lost on a regular basis of which, they could have sent him to prison if he couldn't show proof he made them. He spent a month on probation with no one in the probation department being able to tell him who his probation officer was. He just kept showing up so they couldn't say he wasn't in compliace and send him to jail. I whole-heartidly agree with Once Fallen's statement, "The fallacy, however, might be that the problem of ‘missing’ sex offenders was more a reflection of failures in the operation and administration of the registries than of noncompliance by individual RSOs. In other words, challenges related to record keeping, personnel demands, and data management during the formative years of sex offender registration laws were likely conflated with the issue of offender noncompliance.”
I have found their site to be in line with what I have found in my research on the SOR. Their article on 100,000 Missing Offenders Myth ( is right on target. The 100,000 missing registrants that is the basis for the argument that $331 million is needed to find them, is dispelled.
Their conclusion is, "In short, there is no set definition of “non-compliance.” Statistics for non-compliance can include having prohibited items, retroactivity clauses, not being able to pay fees, information snafus, arrests for non-related offenses, or even being dead according to various reports."
As for my friend; fees were lost on a regular basis of which, they could have sent him to prison if he couldn't show proof he made them. He spent a month on probation with no one in the probation department being able to tell him who his probation officer was. He just kept showing up so they couldn't say he wasn't in compliace and send him to jail. I whole-heartidly agree with Once Fallen's statement, "The fallacy, however, might be that the problem of ‘missing’ sex offenders was more a reflection of failures in the operation and administration of the registries than of noncompliance by individual RSOs. In other words, challenges related to record keeping, personnel demands, and data management during the formative years of sex offender registration laws were likely conflated with the issue of offender noncompliance.”
In West Virginia, from March 2007 to March 2008, West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources Child Protective Services received and did paperwork on 37,165 incidents of child abuse. From those, 26,904 cases were further investigated, said John Law, spokesperson for WVDHHR. Only 3,998 cases were found to be substantiated, or less than 20 percent of all investigated incident.
The lead sponsor of the bill, Delegate Jeff Eldridge, D-Lincoln, said that based on the statistics shown to him, the state spends as much as $18 million per year investigating and processing false abuse allegations. “If the fathers or mothers are truly abusing the spouse, this bill will hold them accountable. At the same time, if they’re not truly abusing them, then there will be penalties for whoever filed it. There are consequences to this behavior (Lewis) .”
While everyone continues to complain about taxes, what kind of a break could 18 million per year give us? Of course, $331 million would go a lot farther.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
On the Sex Offender Issues blog, the author calls the “Adam Walsh Reauthorization Act of 2012” the money pit. In the bill Rep Sensenbrenner wants $331 Million to reauthorize certain programs established by the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006. After 5-years the author states, multiple tons of money have been spent with not one ounce of proof that it’s working. This bill would require the U.S. Marshals Service to assist states in finding and apprehending sex offenders who violate registration requirements. According to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, there are about 100,000 sex offenders whose whereabouts are unknown to local law enforcement. Why is that surprising when the system makes it almost impossible for a registrant to find a place to live. Nobody wants them. And being listed on the Internet, they become a target. Now if the system was tailored to the keep track of the 5% that are considered potentially dangerous that means 36,992 sex offenders who are currently lost in the massive list of 739,853 offenders could be easily managed. 36,992 is significantly lower than the current 100,000 number that is unaccounted for. Since the falsely accused have to accept that they are now felons why not let them prove to society that they are not as they were accused, instead we hinder them from being productive members of society. Let the probation officers do their jobs and evaluate the parolees rather than the uninformed and uneducated public emotions.
Friday, November 2, 2012
This is my response to someone who had issues with my post. She doesn't believe that there are individuals on the Sex Offender Registry for urinating in public nor underage teens (usually the males) having sex with their girlfreinds. My response:
You need to do a little more research on the subject. I spent a year and a half doing the reach for my book and yes people do get jail time, not long, for urinating in public but what is worse is they are put on the Sex Offender List for 10 to 25 years. Which in most states they receive the blaket of restrictions that a real sexual preditor receives which includes being told where they can and can not live and work. In 2011 the urination as well as the 'Romeo and Juliet' relationships, (look it up) are finally being exempted from the SOR. The connection to the sexual promiscuity is there are houndreds of thousands of men on the SOR for having sex with thier underage girlfriends (with some marrying them) and they have had to struggle making a living with the fathers not able to attend their childrens school and or church events because of the threat of being thrown in jail. The greatest injustice is the 5% of the true sex offenders who stalk and rape are lost in a sea of what is projected to be one million Sex Offenders on the SOR by 2017. Our officers struggle to effectively keep track of all the registrants. This from interviews conducted by retired judges, officers, many attorneys and felons.
You need to do a little more research on the subject. I spent a year and a half doing the reach for my book and yes people do get jail time, not long, for urinating in public but what is worse is they are put on the Sex Offender List for 10 to 25 years. Which in most states they receive the blaket of restrictions that a real sexual preditor receives which includes being told where they can and can not live and work. In 2011 the urination as well as the 'Romeo and Juliet' relationships, (look it up) are finally being exempted from the SOR. The connection to the sexual promiscuity is there are houndreds of thousands of men on the SOR for having sex with thier underage girlfriends (with some marrying them) and they have had to struggle making a living with the fathers not able to attend their childrens school and or church events because of the threat of being thrown in jail. The greatest injustice is the 5% of the true sex offenders who stalk and rape are lost in a sea of what is projected to be one million Sex Offenders on the SOR by 2017. Our officers struggle to effectively keep track of all the registrants. This from interviews conducted by retired judges, officers, many attorneys and felons.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
“When They Came For Me:”
In Germany, they came first for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist;
And then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist;
And then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew;
And then…they came for me…and by that time there was no one left to speak up.”
-Pastor Martin Niemoeller’s poem about Nazi Germany.
I use this poem as my first blog as a reminder that we must speak up. What I have witnessed of our broken judicial system makes me believe that if it continues our country is going to destroy itself from the inside.
The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children has reported that in June
· The US Census population for the US in 2010 is 308,745,538. That means about one in every 417 people in the US is on the sex offender registry.
· If they all lived in one solitary city, they would make the 17th largest city in the US, eight thousand more than Charlotte, NC and just two thousand less than the 16th Largest City—Ft. Worth, TX.
· If they all moved to one state, they would out number every resident of the following states—Alaska, North Dakota, Vermont, or Wyoming.
· In May 2007, the NCMEC reported there were 602,189 Registered Sex Offenders. In 49 months between May 2007 and June 2011, there were 137,664 new registrants added; that is 33,714 new registrants in a year, 2,809 in a month, 92 per day, 4 per hour, or about one new registrant added every 15 minutes.
· At the current 33,714 per year average is maintained, the registrant population will top 1 million by March, 2019 (7 years and 9 months from June 2011). (Once Fallen)
My question is if the per-year average is maintained, then how is this list helping? There are still victims of sexual crimes as there have been all through the history of the world. Rape is not a new phenomenon and sexual promiscuity is alive and well. Even though condoms are handed out in schools, if the student were caught in any consenting sexual act, they were convicted as sex offenders. Men caught urinating in public went to prison and are now spending the rest of their lives on the SOR being ostracized by the public and possibly having their lives threatened. No one will hire them, and they have to live in the woods somewhere away from the children to whom they are apparently a threat. How do we continue to allow politicians to create laws that destroy lives based on the fears of their uneducated constituents?
Here is where I begin my quest.
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